Hi, all
When I try to open a .dbf file by USE(cFilename), I got an error message “Error DBFNTX/1012 Corruption detected”. This .dbf file was created by the following:
for n = 1 to Len( oLbx:aItems )
AAdd( aFields, _FieldInfo( AllTrim( oLbx:aItems[ n ] ) ) )
DbCreate( cDbfName, aFields )
MsgInfo( "DBF created!", "AllRight" )
static function _FieldInfo( cItem )
return { StrToken( cItem, 1 ),;
StrToken( cItem, 2 ),;
Val( StrToken( cItem, 3 ) ),;
Val( StrToken( cItem, 4 ) ) }
Any help would be much appreciated.