Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:No, it is not. Please look at the PRGs of the FWH directories and you will find many samples of HB_FUNC() usage.
HB_FUNC( GETGRIDVKEY ) is not available under Fivewin
it is only for Listview LV_KEYDOWN Structure
Fiviwin have a Sample with used Listview-"Group" but you can not use it as "general GRID"
i have made 2 x CLASS it Demo Sample
Code: Select all | Expand
CLASS TExplorer FROM TGrid
1st CLASS is Demo to use Explorer Style with Image
2nd CLASS will be "general" for all Type and can be used by "other" CLASS
"other" CLASS can e.g. be a TREE on left and GRID on right
i´m sure Fivewin have some similar Function
CLASS TGrid() will be a new Control for Fivewin to show another Way to handle Data