PepPol European Invoicing standard
- Marc Venken
- Posts: 1485
- Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:51 am
- Location: Belgium
PepPol European Invoicing standard
In Belgium it will be obliged to send invoices with PepPol. It is a european system that will make invoicing the same everywhere.
I have seen posts that this is already so in Italy ? but unther XML. Peppol will also be XML, so the layout and making of Italy-invoices will already be the same.
Is there someone that is willing to share the code for making that kind of invoices ? Not the invoice itself.... but printing and generating the invoices, ready for sending.
Of cource I can find parts of source in the forum, but it will be a general use and maybe a good idea for the samples directory of FW.
In Belgium it will be obliged to send invoices with PepPol. It is a european system that will make invoicing the same everywhere.
I have seen posts that this is already so in Italy ? but unther XML. Peppol will also be XML, so the layout and making of Italy-invoices will already be the same.
Is there someone that is willing to share the code for making that kind of invoices ? Not the invoice itself.... but printing and generating the invoices, ready for sending.
Of cource I can find parts of source in the forum, but it will be a general use and maybe a good idea for the samples directory of FW.
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
- Antonio Linares
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Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard ... L1001-inv/
<!-- Add more invoice details, line items, taxes, etc. -->
Code: Select all | Expand
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2"
<cbc:InvoiceTypeCode>380</cbc:InvoiceTypeCode> <!-- Commercial invoice -->
<cbc:Name>Your Company Name</cbc:Name>
<cbc:StreetName>Main Street</cbc:StreetName>
<cbc:Name>Customer Company Name</cbc:Name>
<cbc:StreetName>Customer Street</cbc:StreetName>
<cbc:CityName>Customer City</cbc:CityName>
<!-- Add more invoice details, line items, taxes, etc. -->
Code: Select all | Expand
<!-- Invoice lines -->
<cbc:InvoicedQuantity unitCode="EA">10</cbc:InvoicedQuantity>
<cbc:LineExtensionAmount currencyID="EUR">150.00</cbc:LineExtensionAmount>
<cbc:Name>Product A</cbc:Name>
<cbc:Description>High-quality widgets</cbc:Description>
<cbc:ID schemeID="GTIN">1234567890123</cbc:ID>
<cbc:PriceAmount currencyID="EUR">15.00</cbc:PriceAmount>
<!-- Tax information -->
<cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="EUR">30.00</cbc:TaxAmount>
<cbc:TaxableAmount currencyID="EUR">150.00</cbc:TaxableAmount>
<cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="EUR">30.00</cbc:TaxAmount>
- Marc Venken
- Posts: 1485
- Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:51 am
- Location: Belgium
Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard
The coding of this is done like older days making a html page ?
Like this
function tabel_html_code_OLD()
cTabel:='<br><p><span style="color:#0000CD;"><strong>Enkel deze maten zijn nog beschikbaar :</strong></span></p>'
cTabel= cTabel + '<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:400px;"><thead>'
cTabel = cTabel + '<tr>'
for i = 1 to 13
nMaat = 36 + i
cTabel = cTabel + '<th scope="col" style="text-align: center; background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><strong><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">'+str(nMaat,2)+'</span></strong></th>'
cTabel = cTabel + '</tr></thead><tbody><tr>'
for i = 1 to 13
nMaat = 36 + 1
cTabel = cTabel + '<td style="text-align: center;"></td>'
cTabel = cTabel + '</tr></tbody></table><br>'
return cTabel
Like this
function tabel_html_code_OLD()
cTabel:='<br><p><span style="color:#0000CD;"><strong>Enkel deze maten zijn nog beschikbaar :</strong></span></p>'
cTabel= cTabel + '<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:400px;"><thead>'
cTabel = cTabel + '<tr>'
for i = 1 to 13
nMaat = 36 + i
cTabel = cTabel + '<th scope="col" style="text-align: center; background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><strong><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">'+str(nMaat,2)+'</span></strong></th>'
cTabel = cTabel + '</tr></thead><tbody><tr>'
for i = 1 to 13
nMaat = 36 + 1
cTabel = cTabel + '<td style="text-align: center;"></td>'
cTabel = cTabel + '</tr></tbody></table><br>'
return cTabel
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
- Antonio Linares
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Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard
Better use:
Code: Select all | Expand
TEXT INTO cInvoice
- Marc Venken
- Posts: 1485
- Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:51 am
- Location: Belgium
Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard
So, since it will be general used in more countries, it could become a tool for more people in the forum.
Here, 01/01/2026 is the deadline for working with it.
I will look into the text....
Maybe a good idea to use Yunus invoicing as the program to build the text function on, so there is a general use if it is complete and it will be a extra for all members...
Maybe a Hash ?
Match variables from any database before we call the TEXT function.
hXml["Name"] = oDbf[name]
Then in TEXT function use the Hash hXml["Name"] that anyone can use it if he will link his own database items to the hXml Hash
Does this make sence ?
Here, 01/01/2026 is the deadline for working with it.
I will look into the text....
Maybe a good idea to use Yunus invoicing as the program to build the text function on, so there is a general use if it is complete and it will be a extra for all members...
Maybe a Hash ?
Match variables from any database before we call the TEXT function.
hXml["Name"] = oDbf[name]
Then in TEXT function use the Hash hXml["Name"] that anyone can use it if he will link his own database items to the hXml Hash
Does this make sence ?
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
- Otto
- Posts: 6414
- Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:07 pm
- Has thanked: 33 times
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Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard
Marc, I support your idea to develop a finished business module together.
I am sure it will also become mandatory in Austria.
Kind regards,
I am sure it will also become mandatory in Austria.
Kind regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
- Marc Venken
- Posts: 1485
- Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:51 am
- Location: Belgium
Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard
Great !!
But we have to keep in mind that here are many users using FW as it is and also users that use FW with extras
So finaly there can be more ways, but if possible the FWH plain version as a starter )))
Great community ....
But we have to keep in mind that here are many users using FW as it is and also users that use FW with extras

So finaly there can be more ways, but if possible the FWH plain version as a starter )))
Great community ....
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard
Hola a todosAntonio Linares wrote:Better use:
Code: Select all | Expand
Muy interesante hilo
A mi me gusta la solucion TEXT INTO y es la que utilizo, pero los xml a generar son más que simple texto porque tienen tags que pueden o no llevar valores y quizas ramas completas que quedan vacias y tambien tienen ramas que pueden repetirse más de una vez.
En ambos casos desarrolle soluciones que borran ramas vacias agrupaciones que pueden aparecer mas de una vez
Dicho de otra forma, aunque TEXT INTO a simple vista puede ser lo mejor, cuando el formato es complejo, puede hacerse complicado el manejo del TEXTO INTO. Aun asi, la construccion manual, mediante hashes o simple encadenamiento de strings tampoco es mas facil y mucho menos más clara.
- Marc Venken
- Posts: 1485
- Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:51 am
- Location: Belgium
Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard
In early days I made some HTML Pages from source for generation Webshop pages with all kind of data and layout.
If I look into that code, I see options to modify it like that ?
If I look into that code, I see options to modify it like that ?
Code: Select all | Expand
Function CreateOneHtmlPag() // Dbf is already open !!
cFile = "c:\maveco\website\html\maveco folder\pag"+alltrim(fotoinde->code)+".htm"
Fzoeken := FCREATE(cFile)
FWRITE(Fzoeken, "<html>" + chr(10) )
FWRITE(Fzoeken, "<head>" + chr(10) )
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<title>'+alltrim(fotoinde->titel)+'</title>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</HEAD> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" background="../../Internet%20Sources/Achtergrond.jpg" leftmargin="30">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<table width="600" border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<tr>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<td colspan="4"> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<div align="center"><font color="#0000FF"><b><font size="5">'+alltrim(fotoinde->titel) +'</font></b></font></div> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</td> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</tr> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<tr>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<td width="140" height="99"> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<div align="center"><font color="#0000FF" size="5">'+alltrim(fotoinde->code)+'</font></div> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</td> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<td colspan="3" valign="top" height="77">' + chr(10))
aText = formatMemo("FOTOPAG",fotoinde->info)
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<p><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">' + chr(10))
for mTel = 1 to Len(aText)
FWRITE(Fzoeken, alltrim(aText[mTel])+'<br>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</font></p> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</td> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</tr> ' + chr(10))
aInfo:={"","","",""} // 4 lege velden
aHtmlArtNr :={"","","",""}
aHtmlNom1 :={"","","",""}
aHtmlNom2 :={"","","",""}
nPosPag = 1
do while fotodata->code = fotoinde->code
if empty(fotodata->artikel_nr)
if artikel->(rlock())
artikel->fotopag = fotoinde->code
artikel->online = "PAG "+fotoinde->code
aPic150[nPosPag] = "c:\pictures\web150\"+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2)+".jpg"
aPic400[nPosPag] = "c:\pictures\web400\"+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2)+".jpg"
if file(aPic150[nPosPag])
cTarget = lower("c:\maveco\website\pictures\"+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2)+".jpg")
copy file &(aPic150[nPosPag]) to &cTarget
if file(aPic400[nPosPag])
cTarget = lower("c:\maveco\website\pictures\b"+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2)+".jpg")
copy file &(aPic400[nPosPag]) to &cTarget
aHtmlFoto150[nPosPag] = '"../../images/'+lower(substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3))+lower(substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2))+lower(substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2))+'.jpg" '
//aHtmlFoto400[nPosPag] = "'../../images/b"+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2)+".jpg' "
aHtmlArtNr[nPosPag] = lower(fotodata->artikel_nr)
aHtmlNom1[nPosPag] = left(fotodata->benaming,25)
aHtmlNom2[nPosPag] = substr(fotodata->benaming,26)
aHtmlArtNr[nPosPag] = fotodata->artikel_nr
nPosPag ++
if nPosPag = 5 .or. fotodata->code <> fotoinde->code
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<tr> ' + chr(10))
for mDat = 1 to 4
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<td width="160" height="140"> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<div align="center">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<a href="../../zoekindex.php?loc=zoekdetail&pcode=true&perform_query=true&pcode_query=' + lower(alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[mDat])) + '">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<img src=' + lower(aHtmlFoto150[mDat]) + ' alt="Klik om te vergroten" border = "0" vspace="5" hspace="5" align="top" ></a></div>' + chr(10))
// FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<font size="1">' + chr(10))
// FWRITE(Fzoeken, alltrim(aHtmlNom1[m])+'<br>'+ chr(10))
// FWRITE(Fzoeken, alltrim(aHtmlNom2[m])+ chr(10))
// FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<br><b><font size="2">' + chr(10))
// FWRITE(Fzoeken, alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[m]) + chr(10))
// FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</b></font></div>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</td> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</tr> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<tr> ' + chr(10))
for mDat = 1 to 4
if empty(aHtmlArtNr[mDat])
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<td width="160" height="26" > ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<td width="160" height="26" bgcolor="#72B8B8"> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<div align="center">' + chr(10))
// FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<a href="../../zoekindex.php?loc=zoekdetail&pcode=true&perform_query=true&pcode_query=' + alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[m]) + '">' + chr(10))
// FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<img src=' + aHtmlFoto150[m] + ' alt="Klik om te vergroten" border = "0" vspace="5" hspace="5" align="top" ></a> <br>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<b><font size="2">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, lower(alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[mDat]))+'<br>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</b><font size="1">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, alltrim(aHtmlNom1[mDat])+'<br>'+ chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, alltrim(aHtmlNom2[mDat])+ chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</font></div>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</tr> ' + chr(10))
nPosPag = 1
aInfo:={"","","",""} // 4 lege velden
aHtmlArtNr :={"","","",""}
aHtmlNom1 :={"","","",""}
aHtmlNom2 :={"","","",""}
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</table>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</body>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</html>' + chr(10))
Code: Select all | Expand
function createhtmldetail()
if artikel->(dbseek(groep->nummer))
cFile = "c:\website\groepen\"+alltrim(groep->nummer)+".htm"
Fzoeken := FCREATE(cFile)
FWRITE(Fzoeken, "<html>" + chr(10) )
FWRITE(Fzoeken, "<head>" + chr(10) )
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<title>'+cTitel+'</title>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2722.900" name=GENERATOR></HEAD> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, cTemplate )
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<table border="1" align="center" width="746">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<tr>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<TD vAlign=center align=middle width=126 height=41><div align="center">Foto</div></TD> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<TD vAlign=center align=middle width=374 height=41><div align="center">Informatie</div></TD>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<TD vAlign=center align=middle width=54 height=41><div align="center">Verp</div></TD> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<TD vAlign=center align=middle width=109 height=41><div align="center">Maten</div></TD> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</tr>' + chr(10))
// titel tot hier
DO WHILE artikel->folder = groep->nummer
if artikel->foldernr < 0
// hier start de kolom indeleing
// Foto
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<tr>' + chr(10))
cFoto = '"../images/'+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2)+'.jpg" '
cFullFoto = "'../images/b"+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2)+".jpg' "
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<TD width=126 height=110 rowspan="2"> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<DIV align=center>'+ chr(10) )
cStr = '<img height=85 src='+cFoto+'width=110 align=middle border=0 onClick='
cStr += '"JustSoPicWindow('
cStr += cFullFoto
cStr += ",'300','225','* * Klik om dit venster te sluiten * *','','fullscreen','0') "
cStr += ' ;return document.MM_returnValue"'
cStr += ' alt="Klik om te vergroten"> '
FWRITE(Fzoeken, cStr )
//FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<img height=85 src='+cFoto+'width=110 align=middle border=0 onClick="JustSoPicWindow('+cFoto+",'300','225','* * Click om dit venster te sluiten * *','#FFFFCC','fullscreen','0');return document.MM_returnValue')
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<br><br>'+ chr(10) ) // blanko lijn
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<b>'+alltrim(artikel->artikel_nr)+'</b> </DIV>'+ chr(10) )
// Benaming
cText = HtmlMemo(artikel->foldertxt)
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<TD vAlign=top width=374 height=110 rowspan="2">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<div align="left">'+cText+'</div> ' + chr(10)) // br voor pagbreake
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</td>' + chr(10))
// verp
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<td height="24" width="54">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<div align="center">'+alltrim(artikel->verk_verp)+'</div>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</td>' + chr(10))
// Maten
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<td height="24" width="109">' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<div align="center">'+alltrim(artikel->maat)+'</div> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</td>' + chr(10))
// On Stock
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</tr> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<tr> ' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<TD colspan="2" height=54 valign="top">' + chr(10))
cKleuren = "Postman <br> Marine"
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '<p>'+cKLeuren+'</p>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</TD>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</TR>' + chr(10))
if ntel++ > 99999150
lexit = .t.
exit // weg
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</table>' + chr(10))
FWRITE(Fzoeken, '</html> ' + chr(10))
return NIL
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
- Otto
- Posts: 6414
- Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:07 pm
- Has thanked: 33 times
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Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard
I use this tool I made:

Best regards,
I use this tool I made:

Best regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
- Marc Venken
- Posts: 1485
- Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:51 am
- Location: Belgium
Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard
Or we can Use a XBrowse to fill the data and generate from it.

Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
STATIC nTransparency, oWnd
STATIC c_path, c_path1
local oMain
DEFINE WINDOW oMain FROM 50 , 100 TO 1000 , 1500 PIXEL TITLE "Window"
function runXbrowser(oMain)
local oDlg, oFont, oBrw, oData
DBCREATE( "TEST", { { "VGL", "C", 4 , 0 } ;
, { "PROG1", "C", 100, 0 } ;
, { "PROG2", "C", 100, 0 } ;
, { "datatype", "C", 3, 0 } ;
, { "PROG3", "C", 100, 0 } ;
, { "PROG4", "C", 100, 0 } ;
, { "PROG5", "C", 100, 0 } ;
}, "DBFCDX", .T., "TST" )
FW_ArrayToDBF( { { '1000','<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',,,, },;
{ '1010','<cbc:ID>',,'DBF','ID_INVOICE','</cbc:ID>' },;
{ '1020','<cbc:IssueDate>',,'DBF','ID_DATE','</cbc:IssueDate>' },;
} )
// Created
@ 20,20 XBROWSE oBrw SIZE -20,500 PIXEL OF oMain ;
HEADERS nil, nil, nil, "Type", "Data", nil ,nil ;
COLSIZES 40, 300, 300, 40, 70, 250, 250 ;
//:nStretchCol := 1
:nRowHeight := 20
return nil
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard
A more complex xml. Characteristics:
+ Assignment of individual values or repetition blocks through macros
+ Comments with //**
A parsing function does the job
+ Assignment of individual values or repetition blocks through macros
+ Comments with //**
A parsing function does the job
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD BloqueFactura() CLASS TSiiDocAltaModificacionINTERMEDIA_
Local c
<sii:%ETI_PERIODO_IMPOSITIVO%> //** // 06/04/18
</sii:%ETI_PERIODO_IMPOSITIVO%> //** // 06/04/18
//** Factura Rectificativa por Diferencias
//** // 07/08/17
//** // 12/07/17
//** // 22/04/21
//** Declarado SI censado
//** Declarado NO censado
//** BLOQUE 1/2 - Sujeta ~ Facturas Nacionales
//** SUBBLOQUE 2. Si Exentas de IVA
//** Incluye Intracomunitarias y Exportacion
//** // 21/06/18
//** SUBBLOQUE 1. No Exentas de IVA
<sii:NoExenta> //** Terminar si exenta
//** BLOQUE 2/2. NoSujeta
//** Al menos para ISP
//** BLOQUE 2. Facturas Intracomunitarias
//** SUBBLOQUE 1 para Intracomunitarias,
//** De momento NO LO UTILIZO... solo contemplo
//** entrega de bienes, de momento.
//** SUBLOQUE 3, aptdo. 1
//** Exenta
//** SUBLOQUE 3, aptdo. 2
//** No Exenta
//** Usada para ISP
Re: PepPol European Invoicing standard
Soy de la opinión que un XML debería tratarse con las funciones específicas para ello, por ejemplo:paquitohm wrote:Hola a todosAntonio Linares wrote:Better use:
Code: Select all | Expand
Muy interesante hilo
A mi me gusta la solucion TEXT INTO y es la que utilizo, pero los xml a generar son más que simple texto porque tienen tags que pueden o no llevar valores y quizas ramas completas que quedan vacias y tambien tienen ramas que pueden repetirse más de una vez.
En ambos casos desarrolle soluciones que borran ramas vacias agrupaciones que pueden aparecer mas de una vez
Dicho de otra forma, aunque TEXT INTO a simple vista puede ser lo mejor, cuando el formato es complejo, puede hacerse complicado el manejo del TEXTO INTO. Aun asi, la construccion manual, mediante hashes o simple encadenamiento de strings tampoco es mas facil y mucho menos más clara.
oDoc := TXMLDocument():New()
oDoc:oRoot:AddBelow( TxmlNode():New( HBXML_TYPE_PI, 'xml' , , "version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'" ) )
oDocument := TxmlNode():New( HBXML_TYPE_TAG, "Document" )
oDocument:SetAttribute( "xmlns:xsi", "" )
oDummyx:AddBelow( TxmlNode():New( HBXML_TYPE_TAG, 'SeqTp', , If( lPrimeraFact, "FRST", "RCUR" ) ) )
(extraídas de la programación de los recibos SEPA)
Otra cosa es que necesita de una lógica de programación que permita el encadenamiento correcto de los nodos, que precisa de la creación previa de los mismos (como un puzzle de nodos), y al final realizar su encadenado.
Mi humilde opinión.
Un Saludo
Carlos G.
FiveWin 24.02 + Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2403071241), BCC 7.7 Windows 10
Carlos G.
FiveWin 24.02 + Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2403071241), BCC 7.7 Windows 10