April 7.04 2007 build
* New: FWPPC wininet.prg has been added to FiveHCE.lib
* Fix: FWPPC, minor fix on Class TInternet
* Fix: minor fix in source\winapi\wininet.prg
* Fix: Class TGet Method KeyChar(), minor fix due to recent xHarbour changes. Thanks to Enrico!
* Enhancement: Class TGet, pressing TAB or ENTER positions the focus in the next control, no matter what the ON CHANGE clause returns, except false .F.. If .F. is returned then the focus will remain in the GET.
* New: FWPPC, Class TMenuItem Method SetCheck(). Please review samples\TestMnu2.prg
* Enhancement: Class TBtnBmp uses the RC control default caption, if defined.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, PushButtons on dialogs work fine if a pulldown menu is defined for the dialog.
* Fix: FWH 7.01 Class TComboBox incremental search was not properly working on all circunstances. Now it is ok. Thanks to Ugo!
* Enhancement: hb_vmPushSymbol( &hb_symEval ); call changed into hb_vmPushEvalSym();
* Fix: Class TWBrowse Method Resize() properly updates DATA nColAct when it is located out of the visible bounds.
* Fix: Minor fix on Class TImageList.
* Fix: Class TWBrowse Methods GoLeft() and GoRight() were not checking if there were no records to show.
* Fix: Class TTreeView minor fix on colors management for redefined controls.
* Fix: FWPPC, minor fix on Class TWindow Method KeyDown() and Method New()
* Enhancement: FW++ some more exported functions on Five32rt.dll
* New: FWPPC, browses online editing support. Same syntax as in FWH.
* New: Samples\TestActM.prg shows how to use several ActiveX controls simultaneously.
* Enhancement: Class TButton Method KeyDown() processes bKeyDown for arrow keys and enter key too.
* New: Samples\TestMdiR.prg shows how to create MdiChilds from resources without using embedded dialogboxes.
* New: Class TRichEdit full support for images both from files and resources. Please review samples\TestRtf.prg. New Methods InsertBitmap( cBmpFile ) and InsertPicture( *.bmp | *.dib | *.ico )
* New: Class TRichEdit new Methods(): PageBreak() inserts a page break, GetZoom() returns an array with { nNumerator, nDenominator }, dividing them you get the zoom ratio, i.e.: { 1, 1 } -> 100%; { 3, 4 } -> 75%; { 1, 2 } -> 50%, SetZoom() sets the zoom ratio from { 1, 63 } up to { 63, 1 }. Please review samples\TestRtf.prg
* New: FiveWin.ch includes a new define for HB_UNUSED_SYMBOL() function. This is due to recent changes in Harbour. If you get an unresolved HB_UNUSED_SYMBOL() then you are not using the right FiveWin.ch file.
* New: FWC3 gets removed from FTDN suscription and FiveMac is included into FTDN
* New: FWH has been rebuilt with most recent Harbour and xHarbour builds.