I noticed that the metafile.c program was supplemented with metafi32.c
I am experincing 2 problems with the "new metafile" logic.
1. Each time I use the preview process ( vanilla - right out of the box ) with my report object, I get the following message - EVERY TIME.
( from metafi32.c )
Error (6) deleting enhanced metafile
Error Description
This is new with FWH 2.6 over FWH 2.5
2. If my report object is sized for legal sized / landscape paper and I double-click on the page, it does not get "larger" as in FWH 2.5. If my report object is for letter page portrait - it does get (slightly) larger.
The behaviour is much different from FWH 2.5 - before you started coding the previewer for ENHANCED METAFILES.
What is the difference? How can I address this? Why am I getting the message?
Thanks in advance for your help.
PS - I think I will like this new message format once I get used to it.;