I create sample window and dialog code. When standard resource dialog is show and user click in window over dialog area, dialog is hide background. I test this dialog in previous version FWPPC (before 2006.02.24 build) and when dialog is shows, active area is only dialog area.
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// testfocs.prg
#Include 'FwCe.Ch'
Function TestFocus ()
Local oWnd := Nil
Set Date German
Define Window oWnd Title 'Test Focus'
@ 200, 178 Button 'OK' Size 60, 20 Pixel Action IIf (DialogSample (), Nil, oWnd : End ())
// click in window over dialog area
Activate Window oWnd On Init EmptyMenu (oWnd : hWnd)
Return .T.
Function DialogSample ()
Local oDlg := Nil
Local dDate := Date ()
Local cTime := Left (Time (), 5)
Local lRet := .F.
Define Dialog oDlg Resource 'DateTime'
ReDefine Get dDate Id 1003 Of oDlg Picture '@D' ReadOnly
ReDefine Get cTime Id 1004 Of oDlg ReadOnly
ReDefine Button Id 1005 Of oDlg Action (lRet := .T., oDlg : End ())
ReDefine Button Id 1006 Of oDlg Action (lRet := .F., oDlg : End ())
Activate Dialog oDlg Centered
Return lRet
#include <hbapi.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <aygshell.h>
#include <uniqueid.h>
#include <objbase.h>
HWND hWnd = (HWND) hb_parnl (1);
shidi.dwMask = SHIDIM_FLAGS;
shidi.hDlg = hWnd;
shidi.dwFlags = SHIDIF_DONEBUTTON;
SHInitDialog (&shidi);
memset(&mbi, 0, sizeof (SHMENUBARINFO));
mbi.cbSize = sizeof (SHMENUBARINFO);
mbi.hwndParent = hWnd;
mbi.dwFlags = SHCMBF_EMPTYBAR;
SHCreateMenuBar (&mbi);
#pragma ENDDUMP
// testfocs.rc
#include "c:\vce\include\arm\windows.h"
#include "c:\vce\include\arm\commctrl.h"
DateTime DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 126, 54
CAPTION "Date, time"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
CONTROL "System date:", 1001, "Static", SS_RIGHT|WS_GROUP, 2, 8, 60, 12
CONTROL "System time:", 1002, "Static", SS_RIGHT|WS_GROUP, 2, 21, 60, 12
CONTROL "", 1003, "Edit", ES_READONLY|WS_BORDER|WS_TABSTOP, 64, 8, 50, 12
CONTROL "", 1004, "Edit", ES_READONLY|WS_BORDER|WS_TABSTOP, 64, 21, 50, 12
CONTROL "OK", 1005, "Button", WS_TABSTOP, 56, 38, 32, 12
CONTROL "Cancel", 1006, "Button", WS_TABSTOP, 90, 38, 32, 12