Hola. He probado miles de cosas de www.fivewin.info y he leido aki en el foro pero no consigo solucionar esto. Tengo un programa de gestion y kiero imprimir tickets por el lpt1 (epson tmu220) y albaranes por el usb (oki 5400). Si pongo:
cPrinter:="OKI C5400n(PCL)"
me sale para seleccionar la impresora, no me imprime directamente a esa impresora. si pongo:
from user , entonces me imprime en la que seleccione pero con los tamaños de papel de la otra, ufff, no se que hacer. Como dirijo una impresión a la impresora que quiera en cada momento?
FW2.4, clipper 5.2, blinker 6.0, windows xp sp2
seleccionar impresoras
- Willi Quintana
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- Location: Cusco - Perú
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hola willi. Nunca he usado esta clase. La he bajao de la web www.fivewin.info, la incluyo en mi compilación y me da fallos. Por ejemplo me dice que este exe tiene mas de 254 segmentos. Luego hay un include de "dr.ch". No se, estoy atascado. Puedes indicarme como usar esta clase ? Gracias.
Function AGetPrinters()
Local aPrinters, cText, cToken := Chr(15)
// Passing no second param or passing ZERO to GetProfStr()
// grabs entire section in .ini file. Each printer is separated by a
// null char (Chr(0)) and a CRLF. We just strip them out
cText := StrTran( StrTran( StrTran( ;
GetProfStr( "Devices", 0 ), Chr(0), cToken ), Chr(13) ), Chr(10) )
aPrinters := Array( Len( cText ) - Len( StrTran( cText, cToken ) ) )
AEval( aPrinters, {|cPrn,nEle| ;
aPrinters[nEle] := StrToken( cText, nEle, cToken ) } )
Return aPrinters
1 Open tdosprn.prg and change the way ::cPort is assigned in method ::New()
::cPort := cPort+iif(!"."$cPort,".PRN","")
::cPort := cPort + If( ! "." $ cPort .and. ! "\\" $ cPort, ".PRN", "" ) // considers the port can be a network route
2 use this function to get the path to the network printer. IE you'll
say wfPrnShName( "PRINTER1" ) and it will return \\computername\sharename.
Note: make sure you use Patrick Mast's
TReg32 mods if you're not using FW 2.3:
///#include "FiveWin.ch"
//#define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 2147483650
function mainPrn( cLPT )
#define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 2147483650
//// msginfo( wfPrnShName("Epson FX-80+") )
return wfPrnShName( cLPT )
Function wfPrnShName( cModel )
Local oReg, nPos, cComputer, cPrinter, cShare := "", cKeyName
Default cModel := StrToken( GetProfStr( "Windows", "Device", "" ), 1, "," ) // get default printer if not provided
If IsWinNT() // for W2K,NT4,XP
IF cNET // PARAMETRE FOR Network printer
cKeyName := "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\LanMan Print Services\Servers\"
If Left( cModel, 2 ) == "\\"
nPos := RAt( "\", cModel )
cComputer := SubStr( cModel, 3, nPos - 3 )
cPrinter := SubStr( cModel, nPos + 1 )
oReg := TReg32():New( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ;
cKeyName + cComputer + "\Printers\" + cPrinter )
If oReg:nError == 0 // in case the printer name doesn't exist
cShare := "\\" + cComputer + "\" + ; // create in the form of "\\computername\sharename"
StrTran( oReg:Get( "Share Name", "" ), Chr(0) )
cKeyName := "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Printers\"
oReg := TReg32():New( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cKeyName + cModel )
If oReg:nError == 0 // in case the printer name doesn't exist
cPrinter := StrTran( oReg:Get( "Port", "" ), Chr(0) )
/// If Left( cPrinter, 2 ) == "\\" // if it's not a network printer it returns "LPT1:" or "LPT2:" or whatever applies
cShare := cPrinter // this one is already in the form "\\computername\sharename"
/// Endif
Else // for Win9x
cKeyName := "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers\"
oReg := TReg32():New( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cKeyName + cModel )
If oReg:nError == 0 // in case the printer name doesn't exist
cPrinter := StrTran( oReg:Get( "Port", "" ), Chr(0) )
/// If Left( cPrinter, 2 ) == "\\" // if it's not a network printer it returns "LPT1:" or "LPT2:" or whatever applies
cShare := cPrinter // this one is already in the form "\\computername\sharename"
/// Endif
Return cShare
Function AGetPrinters()
Local aPrinters, cText, cToken := Chr(15)
// Passing no second param or passing ZERO to GetProfStr()
// grabs entire section in .ini file. Each printer is separated by a
// null char (Chr(0)) and a CRLF. We just strip them out
cText := StrTran( StrTran( StrTran( ;
GetProfStr( "Devices", 0 ), Chr(0), cToken ), Chr(13) ), Chr(10) )
aPrinters := Array( Len( cText ) - Len( StrTran( cText, cToken ) ) )
AEval( aPrinters, {|cPrn,nEle| ;
aPrinters[nEle] := StrToken( cText, nEle, cToken ) } )
Return aPrinters
1 Open tdosprn.prg and change the way ::cPort is assigned in method ::New()
::cPort := cPort+iif(!"."$cPort,".PRN","")
::cPort := cPort + If( ! "." $ cPort .and. ! "\\" $ cPort, ".PRN", "" ) // considers the port can be a network route
2 use this function to get the path to the network printer. IE you'll
say wfPrnShName( "PRINTER1" ) and it will return \\computername\sharename.
Note: make sure you use Patrick Mast's
TReg32 mods if you're not using FW 2.3:
///#include "FiveWin.ch"
//#define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 2147483650
function mainPrn( cLPT )
#define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 2147483650
//// msginfo( wfPrnShName("Epson FX-80+") )
return wfPrnShName( cLPT )
Function wfPrnShName( cModel )
Local oReg, nPos, cComputer, cPrinter, cShare := "", cKeyName
Default cModel := StrToken( GetProfStr( "Windows", "Device", "" ), 1, "," ) // get default printer if not provided
If IsWinNT() // for W2K,NT4,XP
IF cNET // PARAMETRE FOR Network printer
cKeyName := "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\LanMan Print Services\Servers\"
If Left( cModel, 2 ) == "\\"
nPos := RAt( "\", cModel )
cComputer := SubStr( cModel, 3, nPos - 3 )
cPrinter := SubStr( cModel, nPos + 1 )
oReg := TReg32():New( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ;
cKeyName + cComputer + "\Printers\" + cPrinter )
If oReg:nError == 0 // in case the printer name doesn't exist
cShare := "\\" + cComputer + "\" + ; // create in the form of "\\computername\sharename"
StrTran( oReg:Get( "Share Name", "" ), Chr(0) )
cKeyName := "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Printers\"
oReg := TReg32():New( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cKeyName + cModel )
If oReg:nError == 0 // in case the printer name doesn't exist
cPrinter := StrTran( oReg:Get( "Port", "" ), Chr(0) )
/// If Left( cPrinter, 2 ) == "\\" // if it's not a network printer it returns "LPT1:" or "LPT2:" or whatever applies
cShare := cPrinter // this one is already in the form "\\computername\sharename"
/// Endif
Else // for Win9x
cKeyName := "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers\"
oReg := TReg32():New( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cKeyName + cModel )
If oReg:nError == 0 // in case the printer name doesn't exist
cPrinter := StrTran( oReg:Get( "Port", "" ), Chr(0) )
/// If Left( cPrinter, 2 ) == "\\" // if it's not a network printer it returns "LPT1:" or "LPT2:" or whatever applies
cShare := cPrinter // this one is already in the form "\\computername\sharename"
/// Endif
Return cShare