Topbar xbrowse problems -Resolved
Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 10:34 am
I have two xbrowses with two topbar, on second ( down)

I don't see the images or rather I see them small in the first combobox and tiny in the second combobox, how is this possible?
and sometimes when I move the horizontal spletter the arrows of the scrollbar of the first xbrowse disappear

this is the function to create the topbar of xbrowse down
note the size of the combos on the script (1) SIZE 200,120 (2) SIZE 220,400 they are not truthful
a solution Please

I don't see the images or rather I see them small in the first combobox and tiny in the second combobox, how is this possible?
and sometimes when I move the horizontal spletter the arrows of the scrollbar of the first xbrowse disappear

this is the function to create the topbar of xbrowse down
Code: Select all | Expand
Function TaGridSetupBar3(oGrid, oTariffeMultipli,aServizi,aListini,aSelectBmp,aServiziBmp)
Local nTariffeshow:="Tutte le tariffe"
local nTiposhow := 1
oApp():oGrid3:nTopBarHeight := 90
oApp():oGrid3:SetStyle( 2015 )
oApp():oGrid3:bOnAdjust := <||
local oBtn, oSayServizi
local nrow:= 05
local ncol:= 125
local aShowTariffe:={"Tutte le tariffe","Solo gli elementi","Solo i pacchetti","Solo i servizi"}
@ nrow,5 SAY oSayServizi Prompt "Visualizza Tariffe Multiple per " SIZE 200,18 PIXEL OF oApp():oGrid3
@ 24,5 COMBOBOX oComboCbx2 VAR nTariffeshow ITEMS aShowTariffe ;
SIZE 200,120 PIXEL OF oApp():oGrid3 ;
ON CHANGE (FiltraShowTariffe(oApp():oGrid3,oComboCbx2:nat,oTariffeMultipli,oComboCbx1:nat,;
oApp():oGrid3:AEvalWhen(), oComboCbx3:refresh()) ;
BITMAPS aSelectBmp
@ nrow,400 SAY oSayServizi Prompt "Visualizza servizi " SIZE 100,18 PIXEL OF oApp():oGrid3
@ nrow,575 COMBOBOX oComboCbx3 VAR nTiposhow ITEMS ArrTranspose( aServizi )[ 2] ;
SIZE 220,400 PIXEL OF oApp():oGrid3 UPDATE BITMAPS aServiziBmp ;
ON CHANGE FiltraShowTariffe(oApp():oGrid3,oComboCbx2:nat,oTariffeMultipli,;
oComboCbx1:nat,alistini,oComboCbx3:nat,aServizi) ;
WHEN oComboCbx2:nat=4
return nil
return nil
note the size of the combos on the script (1) SIZE 200,120 (2) SIZE 220,400 they are not truthful
a solution Please