Richedit problem SOLVED

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Richedit problem SOLVED

Post by Maurizio »

Hello Navarro
I use TRichEdit5
what is the difference between an RTF string starting with

I have this in my DBF
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1

I have this in MySql , and are not compatible .

Regards Maurizio
Last edited by Maurizio on Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Richedit problem

Post by cnavarro »

Dear Maurizio,
I don't think I understand your problem well
The problem is when saving in MySql an rtf file that contains that string?
Please explain better

If your problem is that when you retrieve it you cannot see the document correctly in the RTF viewer, it is because the RTF strings look like {\ rtf1 \ ansi \ .... When you try to send this string in your SQL statement, the backslashes they are sent directly to MySQL, which interprets them as escape characters and corrupts your data.
Cristobal Navarro
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Re: Richedit problem

Post by Maurizio »

Navarro ,
thanks for your reply
The problem is that I imported the data from DBF into Mysql and also the RTF .
Now when I open the table in Mysql the RTF field is no longer readable.
Is there a method of transferring RTF fields from DBF to Mysql?

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Re: Richedit problem

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

How are you importing into MySql.
If you import using FWH built-in MySql library you may not have problems.

Code: Select all | Expand

oCn := maria_Connect( <server>, <database>, <user>, <password> )
oCn:ImportFromDBF( cFileDBF, cTableName )  // creates new table and imports data

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Richedit problem

Post by Maurizio »

Navarro ,
I solved with a workaround , thanks for your help .
I have created an automatic cycle on the DBF
For each record I open a dialog by loading the field-> RTF in a get
I save it in the mysql field and close the dialog automatically.
and it works
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