Is the click on menu by mouse-click or by finger-tap? Either way the xbrowse row should not change.
I always use touch-screen monitor with my development PC (desktop). Just now I tested with both mouse and finger touch. In both cases, the selected row did not change.
This is the program I used to test:
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
function Main()
XBROWSER "CUSTOMER.DBF" SETUP ( oBrw:bPopup := { || mypopup() } )
return nil
function MyPopup()
MENU oMenu POPUP 2007
MENUITEM "One" ACTION MsgInfo( oMenuItem:cPrompt )
MENUITEM "Two" ACTION MsgInfo( oMenuItem:cPrompt )
MENUITEM "Three" ACTION MsgInfo( oMenuItem:cPrompt )
MENUITEM "Four" ACTION MsgInfo( oMenuItem:cPrompt )
MENUITEM "Five" ACTION MsgInfo( oMenuItem:cPrompt )
return oMenu
First, I tested with mouse click and then I tested with finger-tap. In both cases the behavior was perfect.